What Does The Testing Tell Us?
This standard provides a method to determine if a product can be classified as non-
NB. Only materials with a very low organic content are likely to pass this test.
Test Method
The specimen is weighed and placed into a basket. A thermocouple is inserted into the
centre of the specimen and connected to the logging equipment. In addition the specimen thermocouple, there is also a thermocouple placed inside of the furnace. The specimen is lowered into the furnace (which is set at 750°C) and remains in this position for the entire
20 minute test duration. During the test the temperatures from the two thermocouples are logged and observati*** relating to the duration of flaming are recorded.
Test Results
There are a number of criteria the product must meet in order to be classified as non-
Temperature rise (furnace and centre of specimen) should be ≤ 50°C Period of sustained flaming should be ≤ 10 seconds
When Is This Test Conducted?
This non-combustibility test is generally conducted in order to satisfy UK Building
Regulati***, however it may also be called upon in other applicati*** such as UK rolling stock.
Specimen Requirements
Five specimens, each measuring 40mm by 40mm by 50mm are required. If the product is
not 50mm thick in practice, layers of the product should be stacked in order to provide the required height. Composite products can be tested.