Office 2013 英文***版版 中文簡(jiǎn)包/小彩包(PKC)
office2013 Professionl english (nowindowsxp /windows vista)
This suite includesthefollowing
:Word Excel PowerPointOneNoteOutlook
Top features
Office on 1 PC for business use
Store your documents online with SkyDrive
Access, edit, and share your documents on anyInternet-connectedWindows 7 or 8 device using free Office WebApps1
Step up to the newest Office toolsforgrowing your business and staying productive on thego
Word In the new Read Mode, text reflows automatically in columnsforeasier on-screen reading Fewer menus means more focus on your content—see only thetoolsyou need, when you need them Open a PDF in Word, and edit content just as if you createditin Word Show your style by using Word templates in more than40categories |
Excel Each workbook has in its own window, making it easier to workontwo workbooks--or two monitors-- at once New functi*** in the math and trig, statistical,engineering,date and time, lookup and reference, logical, and textfunctioncategories The new Recommended Charts button lets you pick from ***arietyof charts that are right for your data |
PowerPoint Presenter View allows you to see your notes on yourmonitorwhile the audience only sees the slide ***art Guides automatically appear when your objects are closetoeven, and tell you when objects are spaced evenly Support for more multimedia formats, such as .mp4 and .mov,morehigh-definition content, and more built-in codecs |
OneNote ***oothly draw, erase, and edit with your finger, stylus,ormouse on any touch-capable device OneNote automatically converts your handwriting to text, sonoworries about your handwriting The new Send to OneNote tool makes it easier toincludedocuments or Web pages in your notebooks |
Outlook The People Card collects key details about a contact all inoneplace Add your local weather forecast right there in Calendarview,along with current conditi*** Receive push-based email, appointments, and , (formerly Hotmail) - right in yourOutlookexperience |
Create and communicate faster with time-s***ing features and***ean, modern look across all your programs. Plus, s***eyourdocuments in the cloud on SkyDrive to accessvirtuallyanywhere.