HDMI Converter ( VGA TO HDMI )
This kind of the Converter is a VGA video converter. It converts VGA input into HDMI to allow PC users to show their image not only on the PC’s monitor, but could also on TV, to h***e a large display.
The conversion is along with the R/L audio. HCV0101 offers soluti*** for digital entertainment center, HDTV retail and show site, HDTV, STB, DVD and Projector factory, noise space and security concerns, data center control, information distribution, conference room presentation, school and corporate training environments. Every effort has been made to ensure that this product is free of defects. China Electronics Technology Limited cannot be held liable for the use of this ha***are or any direct or indirect c***equential damages arising from its use.
It is the resp***ibility of the user of the ha***are to check that it is suitable for his/her requirements and that it is installed correctly. All rights reserved. No parts of this manual may be reproduced or tran***itted by any form or means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without the written c***ent of the publisher.