The gradual change of gaseous fuel from diffusion combustion to semi premixed combustion is observed, and the characteristics of semi premixed combustion and premixed combustion can be more clearly understood.

According to the distribution of furnace temperature, the furnace is divided into preheating section,加熱爐, heating section and uniform heating section along the length direction.
The lower temperature of the feed end is the preheating section, and its function is to increase the heat efficiency of the furnace by utilizing the heat of the furnace gas.
The heating section is the main heating section, and the furnace gas temperature is relatively high, which is conducive to rapid heating.
The above is the basic requirement of the total heating furnace, for oil and gas fields in the following aspects: heating furnace, the need to pay attention to the working medium and working environment, and improve the productivity, improve heating quality and reduce fuel cumption relatihip between each index weight, these factors are usually unified, but sometimes there are times the lord.
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